Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Little Man has become a huge Mama's boy.

Due in part to his front teeth coming in. Right at the time when I'm trying to start to wean him and all he wants is some mama snuggles and milkies. Every time I walk through the room and he sees me, he cries. Every time someone else is holding him and he hears my voice, he starts wiggling and leaning for me. He is my mama's boy and even though I get a little annoyed that I can't get anything done around the house and sometimes I really need some space,

deep down...it makes my heart melt.


The Patins said...

I know how you feel, Ari won't let Allen put him to sleep....ever! if he hears my voice from the other room...he cries. But we know they love us, and i love it.

Laura C. said...

enjoy it while it lasts. Love the pic - so cute!

Julie said...

That is such a sweet picture Steph. I love that little guy!

Unknown said...

So sweet!